I am glad to provide some reports, immediatly out of outer space and outer time. As the time machine navigator “phila” of the c-base www.c-base.org I am in the exhilaratingly inspiring position to reveal secrets of the future. But with due reference to causation rules, I may report only issues, which cannot be taken as serious at the point in time where I try to reveal them, rather provoking deliberate protest and laughter. Therefore, just in case you evaluate my arguments as reasonably reasonable, watch your step, at least as long as you live within the period of the Dark Ages, ending as any time machine navigator will tell you, not before the year 2500.

As examples I provide here some remarks about “IFO Adventures” as a time machine navigator at c-base. I also include the beginning of a short story about the Inbots, a mixed breeding of insects and (small) robots.

IFO Adventures

by phila, time machine navigator

The c-base reveals an IFO (Identified Flying Object), dug out of ground at Berlin near Alexanderplatz, where I am the official time machine navigator, and invite you to IFO adventures time-wide - watch that there is no velocity limitation in time space, as you wont move, but rather hop through time.
Worldwide, starting with planet Earth, decent aliens and natives are invited to check their local space for crashed UFOs, dig them out of the ground, and enjoy them as their club rooms. Usually most successful are dreamy artists, hacky computer freaks and jerky leisure maniacs. Have a virtual look at www.c-base.org, or even come with your real body at any Thursday evening to the local Berlin site at Rungestreet 20 near Jannowitzbrücke and watch the rooms created from parts of the local IFO, and the reports about common projects and events.
Ours is the only project within the next 50 suns (about 15 light years around), which transfers mysterious, partly frightening UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) to pleasant, agreeable, most interesting IFOs (Identified Flying Objects).
Such a "dcba" (decorative c-base analogon) provides a transgalactic cultural identity, Local DJs and many other cultural groups usually enjoy to rent the naturally futuristic rooms for an event, and thus pay for a part of the expenditures as may arise. And even eskimos (in c-base slang "escimos") love to heat a well frozen UFO with anything between dixieland and modern swing variations. As soon as you got you UFO repaired alright into an IFO, and ready to fly, off it goes with a soundful "dcba-wham!!!".
When you plan your local c-base club, you will be assisted by the original c-base Berlin. You will get a check list of points essential to succeed, and of additional potential projects. You will enjoy an annual spacemeal competition, 3D graphics features, galactic gates and many many other tools and actions. The monthly fee to transfer to us is a friendship price, because we want a c-base everywhere, especially including poor countries, poor girls and guys worldwide.
You will detect, how your futuristic rooms can be well fitted to your taste - at times not all original UFO machinery is at hand, and you may assist a little bit the deco of walls with old computer junk, scrap metal, electronic waste, foam settings and the like. Your UFO might be a million years old, and not every electronic circuit will come alive at your invitation, so it is perfectly fine to introduce your own well working PCs for computer games, internet surfing, artful projects, and contributions to reveal transgalactic transscientific knowledge.


Scientificient Results
