Dr. Philipp Sonntag is providing a service as author of biographies, life histories and chronologies for both business companies and private persons or families. He provides English business plans, translations 

        German --> English and vice versa

for business purposes - about a quarter of his publications have been in English. He has contact to English native speakers for different tasks, and will provide an English and/or German text as desired.

Possible arrangements include travelling, translations, including of pictures, videos and other issues, as desired.

Basic procedure will be in detail interviews, as supported by questionnaires. Also documents will be investigated and included, in an appropriate way. For historical persons documents will be the essential source, Dr. Philipp Sonntag is as well prepared to assist as co-author, see an excerpt of a text about the famous mathematician Arthur Schoenflies, written together with Dr. Thomas Kaemmel.

Arthur Schoenflies

Biography written 2003 by Thomas Kaemmel in co-operation with Philipp Sonntag

The scholar Arthur Moritz Schoenflies, professor of mathematics, was born in 1853 in Landsberg on the Warthe, and died in 1928 in Frankfurt/Main. He came from a Jewish family, whose ancestors, it can be proved, had been in Germany for over 300 years. He was a grand-uncle of Walter Benjamin and Gertrud Kolmar.
His wife Emma, born Levin, was born in 1868 in Berlin and died there in 1939. They had five children, three survived the Holocaust. Ten out of fourteen grandchildren survived in Germany and England, nine are still living today. These great-grandchildren live today in Germany, England and the USA. These ancestors, brothers and sisters of Arthur Moritz Schoenflies will be considered in detail in so far as the data is at hand.
Yet other personalities in this family and related families are the archaeologist Gustav Hirschfeld, the authoress Julie Elias, sister of Emma Schoenflies, and her husband, the man of letters (homme de culture), critic, specialist in Nordic culture and collector Julius Elias.
Arthur Moritz Schoenflies , an outstanding mathematician and theoretical crystallographer, made a very important contribution to crystallography.  Each kind of crystal is now defined by both its chemical composition and its structure, its unique crystal structure. The innovative proof of the lattice structure of the crystals that Laue and his colleagues in Munich succeeded in isolating by using X-rays in 1912, was essential for the material sciences and thereby for modern industry. Once this point was reached, research focusing upon the knowledge of the crystal structures of individual kinds of crystals was immediately intensified.
