My Networking and according Links
I mention those groups, where I have been most active in recent years.
c-base Berlin: Literary activity in the course of the arrangement of archives and science fiction, see me as navigator in my time machine
Child Survivors Germany: Survivors of the Holocaust.
DGfH: German society for wood research, in particular concerning the Bionic Saws from the IFIAT
FDP: Activities as member of the German Liberal Party, member since 1975; Contributions in special committees, first regarding security politics, currently media/culture and social affairs
GNL: Society for New Literature, Berlin; member of prose group
IFIAT: Institute For Interdisciplinary and Alternative Technological Development, Styria/Austria, founding member, and in charge for publications
JKV: Jewish Culture Association, Berlin
Lichtblick (ray of hope), Association for promotion of prisoner magazine
MUSE: the Japanese Network of Museums for Peace / Kyoto; contact and cooperation via Yamane Kazuyo since 1985, with special emphasis on the long term impact of atomic radiation
Network Future: a professional association for methods of evaluation, technology assessment, and generally future studies
Spree AG, Berlin: member of prose group
Tekom: society for technical communication, with local group in Berlin
Who's Who in the World: Own entry since 1986 due to intense publications about "nuclear war" and "information society".
Who's Who in Engineering: Own achievements include invention of neurological cyber brick model "Cayenne" in 1957, see also current project 33 at IFIAT. My task was promotion of modernisation in machinery, main projects were digital loom, wire-stretcher, forklifts and Bionic Saw.