This is a short version of my own biography, for details of scientific achievements in English see "Science".
The basic purpose of my life has early roots: Violence destroyed the life of my mother, when I was five years old. Reorganisation of the family turned out to become tedious and difficult. Under the impact of societal tensions reflecting personal fate and sufferings, I decided early on to engage against violence within and between societies. For this basic purpose I studied physics and political science both at the same time in Munich. All private life was increasingly subordinated accordingly. I even denied myself the love of a marvellous young woman named "Assi", after 7 years of excellent friendship, and I looked for a "political wife", ready to join my engagement, and again I found a jewel in kind, but I played it by far too tough, working "like a soldier in war".
In a dramatic endeavour I got the appropriate job in a research group investigating atomic warfare in Germany. I programmed potential warfare events and escalation scenarios. A major publication with Carl-Friedrich von Weizsaecker as spiritus rector had a major impact in Germany, mainly to avoid all and any plans to produce German atomic bombs of any kind. The impact study also enabled politicians to realize, what warfare with detonations of American, French and Russian atomic bombs would look like within Germany, and what kind of disastrous short and long term effects would occur.
Then I joined Karl W. Deutsch at the "Social Science Centre" in Berlin. Together with Peter Otto I published a book in German: "Wege in die Informationsgesellschaft" (Towards Information Society), dtv 1985, and within this context also several English articles.
I was co-founder of several firms, mainly for innovating and manufacturing machinery, like transformators and electrical motors, forklifts, digital loom, wire-stretchers, Bionic Saws.
Finally since 2000 my fiction writing increasingly prevailed, while industrial and scientific activities fell below 50%. Currently the outstanding issue is "Ungereimtes und Gereimtes", published 2009 in German, with poems, short stories, playful language variations and science fiction.