I present several, most as yet unpublished texts, which shall give an impression of my ideas and writing style, mainly satirical in kind. I am partly real as Philipp Sonntag, partly virtual as “time machine navigator phila”, and belonging to the crew of c-base Berlin.
Texts presented include translation of poems into English for a biography, the creation of sex, and the partly frivolous Ass-sorted Limericks, as written along boring conferences … it includes considerations regarding the optimal rhythm of poems.
Industrial limericks ensue about consulting and the ADVISER project.
ADVISER has been an EU tool for optimal innovation 1998-1999.
Multicultural gutturalisms in ADVISER
Get virtually all for your needs
At Virtual Science Park in Leeds
And then with ADVISER
As new advertiser
Make global your management deeds
If I were a broker at Bari
I'd sell no old larifari
But rather ADVISER
As best fertilizer
For tools like a new Stradivari
If you want to promote innovations
through R&D derivations
ADVISER the tool
will make you cool
to deliver the utmost vibrations
Language Engineering:
To stay out of trouble
Use Mickey Mouse babble
And true enough
The easy stuff
Pops out of Intel and Apple